Successfully harnessing the power of fusion energy could lead to cleaner and safer energy for all—and contribute ...
Fusion reactions are the same source that power stars -- where hydrogen atoms smash and fuse together into helium creating a ...
US-based energy company Type One Energy has published the world’s first detailed and self-consistent physics basis, with ...
Successfully harnessing the power of fusion energy could lead to cleaner and safer energy for all – and contribute ...
A Knoxville-based fusion powerhouse says it's solved the fundamental science of harnessing the sun's power to produce electricity.
New results published in Nuclear Fusion confirm General Fusion successfully created magnetized plasmas that achieved energy confinement times exceeding 10 milliseconds. The published energy ...
In a comprehensive experimental study, an international team of researchers has confirmed the calculations of a leading ...
Fusion has long been the propulsion end-goal for interplanetary travel, and a U.K.-based company thinks on its way to ...
Researchers have determined that six gas valves provide the best protection against plasma disruptions in SPARC, a next-generation, experimental fusion system. By refining the setup for the fusion ...
A multibillion-dollar project is set to be constructed in China, the country's latest move in a push for nuclear energy.
QUADCOIL is a groundbreaking computer code that simplifies the design of stellarator magnets, ensuring plasma shapes remain ...