Paracetamol, aspirin and ibuprofen are among the most widely used. While they are all effective for pain relief, they each ...
A grieving father told yesterday how his daughter died after taking too many paracetamol tablets in an attempt to ease her pain following dental treatment. Teenager Toni Gowland swallowed up to 56 ...
The High Street pharmacy chain Boots is asking customers to return packs of 500-milligram paracetamol tablets because a ...
BOOTS have urgently recalled paracetamol tablets from shelves and warned shoppers to avoid taking them. The high street pharmacy stuck a "do not take" alert on a batch of its 500mg tablets.
Shoppers have been warned not to take some paracetamol tablets bought at Boots as it could be "dangerous". An investigation has been launched after some packets of paracetamol contained blister ...
Boots has issued an urgent recall notice on paracetamol tablets due to a “packaging error”. It comes after 500mg packs of the pain relief from the high street pharmacy chain were incorrectly labelled ...