A recent study by the Hector Institute for Translational Brain Research (HITBR) at the Central Institute of Mental Health ...
A single dose of psilocin can induce changes in human nerve cells, providing researchers with a better understanding of the ...
However, tests conducted by the University of Virginia Health Toxicology Laboratory found psilocin in Diamond Shruumz's Sour ...
Deanne Mathews, a self-described "healer and mentor", pleads guilty to drug trafficking after serving magic mushrooms to a ...
Thanks to Olson, Manor and his team obtained cochlear samples from adult mice that had normal hearing and were either exposed to psilocin or left untreated. Back in their own lab, the researchers ...
A spiritual healer who served magic mushrooms at a retreat where a woman died has escaped conviction and been fined $3000 for ...
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Psilocin ist ein Indolalkaloid und zählt zu den Tryptaminen. Es ist das Hydrolyse-Produkt des Psilocybins und ist als solches die eigentlich psychoaktive Form des Psilocybins. Daneben kommt es aber ...
Psilocin, 2-Dimethylaminoethyl-4-hydroxyindol, ein halluzinogen wirkendes Indolalkaloid, das neben Psilocybin, dem entsprechenden Phosphorsäureester, Hauptinhaltsstoff des mexikanischen Rauschpilzes ...