Until this past January, few outside academic and diagnostic labs knew what quantitative reverse-transcription PCR (RT-qPCR) was, much less its role in viral and bacterial disease detection.
For automated workflows, all TaqPath ProAmp master mixes have 72-hour pre-PCR benchtop stability. TaqPath 1-Step RT-qPCR Master Mixes for RNA and virus detection TaqPath 1-Step RT-qPCR Master ...
qPCR, also known as real-time PCR, is an extension of traditional PCR, where DNA amplification over time is quantitated by measuring fluorescence from dyes intercalating into nascent DNA strands or by ...
Download this ebook to learn how PCR works and how scientists can optimize their PCR set-ups, reactions, and workflows.
or real-time RT–PCR. Fast and accurate, real-time RT–PCR has been critical in detecting, tracking and studying COVID-19. But what is it, and how does it work? Let us explain.
But what is real time RT–PCR? How does it work? How is it different from PCR? And what does this have to do with nuclear technology? Here’s a handy overview of the technique, how it works and a few ...
The GoTaq ® Probe 1-Step RT-qPCR System enables detection and relative ... control of possible carryover contamination. Promega's PCR Systems, enzymes and reagents are proven in PCR to ensure ...
Real-time PCR gene expression quantification is particularly useful in oncology research for biomarker discovery and monitoring therapeutic response, but eukaryotic gene expression is one of the most ...
The Asia-Pacific region will witness the highest growth. The PCR technologies market is expected to grow to $21.89b by 2030, at a compound annual growth rate of 7%, according to Markets and Markets.
The IntelliQube is a fully automated real-time and end-point PCR instrument with seamless integration of liquid handling, thermal cycling, detection, and data analysis into a single, user-friendly ...
RNAConnect, developer of enzymatic tools for visualizing and manipulating RNA, today announced the release of the UltraMarathonRT ® Two-Step RT-qPCR Kit, a next-generation tool for RNA ...