The preliminary report on the fatal helicopter crash that killed a Utah CEO and injured another man on Ririe Reservoir was ...
The pilot said he grabbed a seat cushion that popped out of the water, and that’s what probably saved their lives.
Several water agencies urged the commission to release the Los Vaqueros money now. Inflation has increased 53% since 2015, ...
The amount of snowmelt expected to reach the key reservoirs on the Colorado River this spring is far below the median of the ...
The city is looking to repurpose the two gatehouses, built during the Civil War as control points for water from upstate ...
A warning issued just before midnight says people in the affected area who drink unboiled water risk illness.
SUFFIELD TOWNSHIP, Ohio (AP) — A pilot was killed when a helicopter struck a power line early Friday and crashed into a ...
Greene County has needed a reservoir for 25 years, residents say, but officials are paralyzed over an $87 million price tag ...
According to the report, Houghton told investigators neither he nor Brown saw the power lines that spanned across the frozen ...
Fifteen Northern Colorado water districts and communities are celebrating after taking a giant step forward toward building ...
An avid fisherman tells ABC10 he was out fishing in the Modesto Reservoir when the helicopter caught his attention.
Researchers worked with the Army Corps of Engineers to lower the water level in Red Rock reservoir a foot and a half so the ...