Peritonitis can be life-threatening, and requires immediate treatment with antibiotics. Surgery may also be required to drain any pus that has built up, and it may be necessary to perform a ...
Not everyone responds the same way to blood pressure medication, and lowering BP too much can sometimes cause dizziness or ...
Peritonitis is a condition in which the peritoneum, a membrane that covers the abdominal wall and the organs within the ...
Symptoms of peritonitis include pain in the stomach, a very high temperature, rapid heartbeat and being unable to pee or peeing much less than normal. Can peritonitis be treated? Peritonitis can ...
Stage 1 hypertension: SBP 140-159 or DBP 90-99 Stage 2 hypertension ... patient relationship and patient motivation in fostering treatment adherence. Using JNC 7 as a point of departure, an ...