A dry rub works amazingly well on turkey, but doing a brine with the dry ... I added to the water all the wet brine ingredients; salt, garlic salt, Montreal Steak Seasoning, Worcestershire Sauce ...
Read more: 26 Best Toppings To Add To Your Chicken Sandwich When you want to season chicken with a turkey rub, be mindful of the salt levels because many of these blends already contain salt.
Combine the salt, wine, duck fat, shallots, garlic, and thyme in a bowl. Rub two-thirds of the mixture all over the exterior of the turkey using your hands; rub the remaining third in the cavity ...
6. Rub remaining butter over the outside of the turkey (breast, legs, wings.) Drizzle all over the top of the turkey with olive oil and generously season with salt and pepper; I just love a crisp, ...