There, we find a biblical outline for the Jewish festival, Shavuot, or Feast of Weeks (see Leviticus 23:15-21, Numbers ...
In biblical times, Shavuot was one of three pilgrimage festivals ... Find out more about the Festival (Hebrew) ...
On the night of the festival of Shavuot (the first night of Shavuot in the diaspora), it is traditional for Jews to stay up and learn Torah – a centuries-old custom known as Tikkun Leil Shavuot.
The counting, which takes place between the second night of Passover and the festival of Shavuot, can now be done in Judeo-Catalan and other historical Jewish vernaculars. Jews the world over ...
Themes: The Jewish festival of Shavuot; the Bible story of Ruth and Naomi; loyalty; welcoming others. Ruth: Yes, my first husband was Jewish and from here - in Bethlehem. He moved to Moab with his ...
The transitional period during which the “omer” is counted that follows the festival of Passover and leads to Shavuot should be considered a festive interlude. We are proceeding from ...
Talk together about what you have learned from the programme about the festival of Shavuot. What part of it would you most like to celebrate? Make a replica Torah using 2 lengths of dowelling and ...