It’s also a good idea to be familiar with the separation of Sirius A and B. For that, look to a double star that’s easier to split — Rigel (Beta [β] Orionis). The separation between Rigel A ...
You’ll find several bright planets, stars and obvious constellations in the February evening sky. The most obvious ...
Rigel is the second brightest star in the winter football, and by far is the most powerful star. It is almost as bright as Sirius from our view, but is a lot farther away, around 800 light-years ...
Explore the seven brightest stars visible to the naked eye Sirius, the brightest star, has a visual magnitude of -1.46. It is part of the constellation Canis Major (the Greater Dog) and is 25.4 times ...
Sirius is a middling bright star, but it ranks number 1 in our skies because, as stars go, it’s not very far away, only eight light years. Orion’s right foot star is Rigel, the seventh ...
In February, the iconic winter stars and constellations reach their prime positions for viewing. On the 1st, all will be ...
To catch February’s full moon at its roundest, get outside by sunrise on Feb. 12, because the moon sets in the west shortly ...
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Then look for the bright star on the bottom or Orion — opposite Rigel. Run a line through it ... It’s in Canis Minor and always rises before Sirius. If you look toward the west you’ll ...
Throughout time, these shining stars have guided us from the positions in navigation and can be explored in mythology and scientific investigation into the nature of the universe. Sirius ...