Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, I can finally see just how much Obi-Wan Kenobiruined Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious' ...
LucasArts gave them a title, but no story direction. The studio thought of creating a game that would tell the story of Darth Maul’s origins, from the time Darth Sidious took him in as an apprentice ...
When the sinister Sith unveils a thousand-year-old plot to ... by the Dark Side of the Force to become the Emperor’s new apprentice: Darth Vader. The Jedi are decimated, as Obi-Wan Kenobi ...
The story’s main thrust sees a civil war exacerbated by the actions of Lumiya, a Sith apprentice of Darth Vader, all so she can convince Jacen Solo (Vader’s grandson, Luke Skywalker’s former ...