China is expected to remain the foremost importer of sorghum from the U.S., driven predominantly by its livestock industry’s demand for feed. USDA projections indicate a stable market for hogs ...
An ag economist says changes to grain sorghum estimates were the biggest surprise in USDA’s most recent supply and demand ...
“Our research is quantifying these benefits, helping to drive evidence-based practices that support farmers, conserve resources, and expand sorghum’s role in renewable energy, livestock feed ...
The first big opportunity with male sterile hybrids is they don’t develop the grains, so you don’t have to worry about ...
The Agriculture Department’s National Agricultural Statistics Service announced it is reinstating the July Cattle report, as ...
The USDA’s National Ag Statistics Service has announced it will reinstate several previously suspended reports and programs, ...
sorghum holds a distinct advantage. This region is grain deficient, meaning there’s more livestock than locally available grain. That means ethanol plants have to bring in at least some corn ...
U.S. farmers are projected to shift acreage to corn this spring as corn prices maintain an impressive run while prices for competing crops struggle to keep pace.
USDA will reinstate the July Cattle Report and County Crop Estimates after budget cuts halted them last year, addressing ...