A sperm whale’s tooth can weigh more than two pounds and they are illegally trafficked to be used as decorations and for ...
A rare dwarf sperm whale mysteriously washed ashore in Australia, prompting an official investigation, according to news reports. Beachgoers in Adelaide — a city on the coast of South Australia — ...
A sperm whale stranded on Cuttyhunk Island over the weekend, adding to alarming whale death toll since December. Here's what we know.
These love tokens were made from whale bone, baleen, walrus tusks, and sperm whale teeth and often depicted portraits of their loved ones, pictures of their ships, and patriotic imagery.
Trading ivory from a hippopotamus, narwhal, killer whale and sperm whale has been banned in the UK as part of conservation ...
Anglers off the coast of Honduras captured rare footage of a pod of orcas eating a sperm whale, according to a ... about an hour as the orcas sank their teeth into their hard-won meal.
The sperm whale on Cuttyhunk Island was a female measuring 32 feet long and weighing about 11 tons, Hedman said.
In Campbell Fraser’s immersive art installation, three sculpted sperm whales (the largest of the toothed whales), hang from ...
The study represents the first documented case of orcas hunting sperm whales in the waters off the ... for about an hour as the orcas sank their teeth into their hard-won meal.