World of WarCraft players recognize this, as you could use "/dance" to make your avatar perform a dance until you tell it to stop or do something else. AskJoshy has uploaded a video with Marines and ...
Saber Interactive’s Space Marine 2 is a far cry from Relic Entertainment’s Dawn of War 2, but both games do a stellar job at adapting the same futuristic universe. Now, StarCraft has the ...
Complex factions, Protoss, Zerg, and Terran with unique individuals, motivations, and struggles drive StarCraft 2's rich story. Iconic characters like Tychus Findlay, Zagara, and Selendis play key ...
Did you know that the C-14 rifle in the original StarCraft is not the same model used by the marines in StarCraft 2? Or that the rifle uses hypersonic spikes? All this and more is explained in a ...