The “principal injury” section reads “Alleged failure to biopsy right testicular mass resulting in delay in diagnosis of ...
Epididymitis is characterized by pain, redness, and swelling, usually in one testicle only. Bacterial infections are the main ...
If you or a loved one is diagnosed with testicular cancer, a natural question you may ask is: “What caused this?” And the answer is doctors don't know for sure why a man may get it.
Background. A 40-year-old man presented to a hospital emergency department with acute-onset, bilateral, painless swelling of the scrotum, which had developed progressively over the previous 12 h.
Leydig cell tumours (LCT) are rare sex-cord gonadal tumours that account for less than 5% of testicular neoplasms. They are ...
Sexual precocity and a testicular mass can result from a Leydig cell tumor or from simple virilizing CAH with adrenal rests in the testes. These diagnoses are usually distinguished by very high ...