All tetrapods descended from a common ancestor that just happened to have limbs with five digits. And over the eons of evolution following that, natural selection worked with variations on ...
Even in the earliest stages of their evolution ... if you want to call them limbs? What could you do with these new tools? Some of these early tetrapods may have specialized in catching ...
Because all later land vertebrates, or tetrapods, can be traced back to ... one in South America and one in Australia. It seems that evolution has forgotten them, because these ancient "living ...
A major event in vertebrate evolution was the transition from aquatic to terrestrial life, made possible by the emergence of ...
The over-arching goal of this project is therefore to understand how whole-body shape and size have interacted across major shifts in ecological and environmental niche occupation during tetrapod ...
While most scientists suspect this transition was spurred by the evolution of fins to limbs, it may have been changes in the ... while investigating the fossilized skulls of 59 fish, tetrapod, and ...