Templates for both theses and dissertations are here and should be downloaded and used to format your paper. They are easy to use with drop-down boxes to select options and are formatted correctly to ...
Each thesis should begin with a title page that provides the title ... that the document is in partial fulfillment for the Bachelor of Arts degree. Here is a template: The play reflects on its own ...
Follow the format of the sample provided below. Abstracts are required for all theses and dissertations. ProQuest no longer has a word limit on the abstract, “as this constrains your ability to ...
Here's a helpful guide. The required pages are standardized for all theses and dissertations and must be completed using the templates provided below; they contain fillable fields to ensure ...
Do not use these templates as a substitute for learning the basics of LaTeX yourself. Please refer to the guide for the most up-to-date information on required formatting for dissertations, theses, ...
New dissertations and theses available in the Library are listed at the bottom of this page; they may serve as examples for students. Keep in mind that formatting changes over time, and some volumes ...
An Electronic Thesis or Dissertation (ETD) is the same as its paper counterpart in content and organization and meets the formatting requirements described in the Format Manual for Theses and ...