As a teaching tool, these arguments are often about students learning to support claims with evidence. Intro: Hook and thesis Point One: First claim & support Point Two: Second claim & support Point ...
If the author of a thesis or dissertation has a question regarding a point not covered in this guide, he or she should confer with his or her thesis/dissertation advisor, as the query may be one ...
A thesis must always demonstrate an argument. If you are not trying to prove something and persuade your audience to accept your point of view, you are not writing an academic paper. Your thesis is ...
Can the reader logically follow your ideas from point to point? Have you supported your ideas with enough evidence and the right kinds of evidence? Is your thesis or main point clear? Does everything ...
Better: Movie violence provides a healthy outlet for aggression. 4. Don't make a broad statement. Your thesis should focus on the point(s) you will make; limit your subject. Use specific rather than ...