Apply it on a calm day, she says, following the directions on the label, and protect desirable plants from coming into contact with the product. 'For best results, treat milk thistle plants when ...
The seeds and plants could also travel considerable distances by floating along in irrigation canals and ditches. By the turn of the twentieth century, Russian thistle had made its way to California, ...
Adding desirable plants to the landscape that have the ability to outcompete thistle weeds is another way to keep the weeds ...
The shape of the flower head tends to differ as well, and the leaves of young sow thistle plants tend to have a large terminal lobe, unlike hawksbeard. As with the prickly sow thistle and hawksbeard, ...
Californian thistle is one of the most common thistle species in New Zealand. It is very troublesome in pastures because it is so difficult to control. Once a plant is established in pasture, it forms ...
Bull thistle, a member of the Asteraceae family, is yet another herbaceous biennial on our list of invasives. Unfortunately, bull thistle can flourish in an array of sites ranging from meadows, ...
European marsh thistle, a terrestrial and wetland herbaceous biennial ... It is important to pull second growth plants to eventually exhaust the seed source and deplete populations. It is also ...