and lance-leafed thistle, is a biennial weed found in almost every state and territory in the USA, including Alaska and Hawaii. Originally native to West Asia, parts of Europe, and North Africa ...
When it comes to invasive weeds that can be difficult to remove, a few thistle species rise to the top of the list. According ...
“The rapidity with which the Russian thistle has spread, both in infesting new territory and in thoroughly covering that already infested, far exceeds that of any weed known in America,” Dewey ...
Thistles were everywhere back in the day, whether Californian, nodding, or variegated. The only method available to combat it ...
Sow thistle is an annual weed that can establish at any time of the year. It is also known as puha, and is eaten by some people as a vegetable. Although known as a food favoured by some Māori people ...
Nodding thistle is a biennial weed, typically establishing in autumn in pastures that have been damaged by drought over summer. In autumn with the first substantial rainfalls, as there is bare soil, ...
Canada thistle is a colony-forming perennial from deep and extensive ... but still maintain itself. This aggressive weed is difficult to control; for example, breaking up the roots by plowing only ...
Landowners in southern Rio Arriba, Santa Fe and Los Alamos counties may be eligible for financial assistance to deal with invasive or noxious weeds including Scotch thistle, chicory and Russian olive.
This is especially effective on weeds with short dormancy periods, such as kochia, goat’s beard, hare’s ear mustard, Indian mustard, Russian thistle, cow cockle, green foxtail, downy brome, wild ...