Artificial trans fat can clog your arteries. And it can hide in foods like these-- baked goods such as cookies, cake, and crackers, popular snacks like popcorn and potato chips, fried food usually ...
In 2015, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) came out with a new position statement regarding partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs)—the major source of artificial trans fat in our foods ...
Trans fats are often hidden in everyday foods, making it easy to consume them ... Even if labels say “trans fat-free,” some items still contain small amounts.
Compared to highly processed snack foods, whole food-based options are often richer in essential nutrients and lower ...
Eggs are a source of saturated fat ... doi:10.1111/obr.13498 Food and Drug Administration. Trans fat.
Looking at nutrition labels can be confusing, as foods with high amounts of total fat won’t necessarily make you fat. Saturated fat and trans fat are two artery-clogging types that you should ...
Learn about common foods that can raise cholesterol levels and how they affect your heart health. Get insights on smarter ...
the main source of industrially-produced trans fats. In Denmark, the first country to mandate restrictions on industrially-produced trans fats, the trans-fat content of food products declined ...
In the past few years most western countries have introduced legal limits on the trans fat content permitted in processed foods. Receive a weekly dose of discovery in your inbox! We'll also keep ...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 5,000 Americans a year die of heart disease because artificial trans fat is in the food supply, “and another 15,000 will get heart ...
Shelley Balls, MDA, RDN, LDN, a registered dietitian and nutritionist for Consumer Health Digest, says the vegetables provide ...
Trans fats have been linked to cancer risk and heart diseases. In eliminating artificial trans fats from SKMC’s food services, SKMC is taking the lead in an important health issue that was ...