Star Wars' Clone Troopers were bred for absolute loyalty ... Standard clone troopers use two types of armor: Phase 1 and Phase 2. In Legends, Phase 2 was a lighter and stronger improvement over ...
While the end of the Clone Wars is featured in Revenge of the Sith, the fate of the droid army isn't shown. What happened to ...
The vast network of characters featured across Star Wars‘ nine main saga movies and five Disney+ shows provide plenty of promising candidates on which the franchise could base future TV series. Ever ...
Geonosian leader Poggle the Lesser hands the Separatists’ Death Star plans to Count Dooku. Anakin and Padme marry in secret. The Clone Wars begin. (Attack of the Clones) 22 BBY - Anakin takes on ...
In The Clone Wars, the Republic helped the native Twi’leks to liberate their planet from Separatist occupation in a gruesome campaign, and Ahsoka surveys the damage from one of those fights.