Piezoelectric crystals are the core components of ultrasonic transducers, which generate and detect high-frequency sound waves. These transducers are used in medical imaging (e.g., ultrasound), ...
[Lindsay] has a wonderful writeup about a new toy in the shop, an ultrasonic transducer. The 28kHz, 70W bolt-clamped Langevin transducer by itself is not much use, you need a power supply ...
M. C. Ziskin) of "Ultrasonic Exposimetry" (CRC Press, 1993), a landmark book in the field. Dr. Lewin’s current interests are primarily in the field of biomedical ultrasonics including the design and ...
More information: Jaewoo Kim et al, Enhanced dual-mode imaging: Superior photoacoustic and ultrasound endoscopy in live pigs using a transparent ultrasound transducer, Science Advances (2024). DOI ...
as well as in power ultrasonic applications for example with Langevin Transducers. Different Piezo Manufacturing Technologies ...
Dr. Schafer is PI on a recently awarded grant from the NIH, focused on the development of a novel catheter-based ultrasound tool for cardiac output measurement in ICU patients. The work will use ...
Not so, if you use a pair of specialised ultrasonic transducer arrays to move the air instead! (Video, embedded below) Three banks of thrusters provide a 180 degree steerable net force Details are ...