At the bottom of the sea, where light no longer reaches, the whale's body comes to rest. It is not the end, but a ...
Beaked whales can dive 2,000 metres below the ocean's surface. Why and how do they do it? Around 2,000 metres below the surface, the water is freezing, black and seemingly impenetrable. No light ...
A species of whale, so ancient and elusive that harpoon ... and the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources spent five months analysing the diving patterns of 12 tagged bowhead whales in ...
Whales are accomplished divers. The deepest whale dive recorded so far was made by a Cuvier's beaked whale. A 2014 study used satellite-linked tags to follow the dives of eight beaked whales off the ...
"We could not confirm its size, but it doesn't look like a calf or juvenile. It looks more like an adult or sub-adult." ...
Whenever I hear the term whale, all I remember is the movie “In the heart of the sea”, a real-life story based in the early 1800s wherein the whaleship Essex set sail from Nantucket with a 20 ...
Resorts, guesthouses or dive centers in Baa Atoll will purchase a Hanifaru Bay ticket on your behalf. Mantas and whale sharks are ... so always approach from the side. Baa Atoll is roughly 30 ...