Controllers for which Arduino libraries haven’t been written yet. The horror. Until those libraries are developed, there’s ChronusMAX, a USB dongle that allows you to use XBox One controllers ...
The company has revealed a brand new Pulse Cipher Special Edition controller that has the same transparent design as its ...
Xbox has revealed pre-orders a new upcoming Xbox controller with a familiar yet unique design that stands out.
Anyone fancy a new Xbox controller to start the year? Microsoft has unveiled one today in the form of the Pulse Cipher ...
Here's how to do it. While you don't necessarily need the controller that came with the console (that is, you can pair an Xbox One controller to a Series X), we can't guarantee that all Xbox ...
Choosing the best Xbox controller is becoming increasingly complex. Recently, Microsoft lifted the restrictions that were in place for Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S controllers, ending their de ...
That said, you're not missing out if you're an Xbox One player as all controllers featured in this list work with previous generation hardware via backwards compatibility. And just to add ...