The Basque Country is known as being fairly different from the rest of Spain, and this also applies to its successful labour ...
IBM announced plans to supply Fundación Ikerbasque (the Basque Foundation for Science) with a quantum computer in March 2023.
World premiering at the Malaga Film Fest on March 15, Sara Fantova’s feature debut “Jone, batzuetan” vies for the top prize ...
The Basque Government, and IBM (IBM) announced plans to install Europe’s first IBM Quantum System Two at the IBM-Euskadi ...
Following the transfer of immigration powers to the Catalonia region, the Spanish government has now come to agreement with ...
The league has analysed images and utilised lip-readers to identify those responsible for the alleged racist abuse.
The spread of the Ostreopsis ovata algae is not a cause for concern, but ongoing monitoring is recommended, according to ...
IBM ismaking significant strides in the quantum computing field with plans to install Europe's first IBM Quantum System Two ...
Locatedin Murga, Basque Country, Spain, the new plant will offer environmental asphalt solutions to the regionSteelPhalt™ offers a true circular ...
IBM and Basque Government announce plan to install Europe's first IBM Quantum System Two at the IBM-Euskadi Quantum ...
The Basque Government, and IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced plans to install Europe's first IBM Quantum System Two at the ...