The most common ticks you may encounter are the deer tick, the dog tick (American or brown), or the lone star tick. Ticks are ...
Products such as K9 Advantix® II are recommended and trusted by veterinarians to prevent tick bites that can cause Lyme ...
BILLINGS — A Bozeman hunter’s bird dog has alerted health officials to the possibility that the tick that carries Lyme ...
Many pet owners notice these small insects clinging to their dogs or cats and have to remove and test for Lyme. Many people wonder what deer ticks look like. Female and male deer ticks have ...
The group of blood-sucking parasites called ticks can spread pathogens like Lyme Disease, anaplasmosis and babesiosis.
Ticks are most active when the temperature rises above 40 degrees, according to Grayson. He said the solution to avoiding ...
Deer tick activity surged this week as warmer weather stirred the Lyme-disease carrying arachnids out of their dormant winter ...
Two Emerging Infectious Diseases studies link bites from black-legged (deer) and western black-legged ticks to potentially ...
By Victoria Eastman The topic was ticks at the latest meeting of Milo Garden Club, held on Tuesday, March 11. Guest speaker ...
“So animals like deer, which can harbor the tick, are now moving into more urban areas.” Montana has long been home to the Rocky Mountain wood tick (Dermacentor andersoni) and the American dog ...