The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy brought a new era to the galaxy far, far away. Disney’s acquisition of Lucasfilm in 2012 ...
Gen Z Star Wars fans are keeping the franchise fresh and exciting by taking their own approach to experiencing the Skywalker ...
Ever wondered what Luke, Han, and Leia got up to after the fall of the Empire but before the Sequel Trilogy? Marvel's new ...
In 1977, George Lucas' Star Wars made a huge impression at the box office, becoming the single highest-grossing film of its time while introducing audiences to Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), Leia ...
Marvel is taking Star Wars fans back to the time of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia, right after Return of the Jedi.
Star Wars fans are in for a treat as the creators are on the way to release highly-anticipated sequels in form of movies and ...