The Charles Eisenman Award, the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s highest civic honor, was first awarded in 1924 by the Jewish ...
Each year, area residents have an incredible opportunity to recognize outstanding volunteers within the Twin Counties.
the nomination is for clearly different work from the previous award (the letter of recommendation must address the differences between the work performed for the previous ACS National Award and that ...
etc.). The Award committee’s first focus is on the nominee’s current involvements. However, we also consider the nominee’s volunteer history. With this in mind, we encourage you to consult with the ...
POLLOCKSVILLE, N.C. (WNCT) — Nominations are now open for people in Jones County who go above and beyond for their communities. The award is called the Governors Volunteer Service Award and each ...
The United Way of Gaston County is now accepting nominations for the Governor's Volunteer Service Award, which honors community members that work to give back. “We invite you to nominate ...