Objectives To determine the distribution of prostate cancer (PCa) patients between physical activity and kinesiophobia, ...
Background Tapentadol is a relatively new centrally-acting analgesic medication. Tapentadol is approved for the treatment of severe chronic pain and may reduce the need for strong opioids and reduce ...
Patients with advanced cancer often experience bothersome symptoms requiring specialist palliative care input. Oncology clinical trials commonly include a list of prohibited medications while on trial ...
Objectives Delirium is common in palliative care settings. Management includes detection, treatment of cause(s), non-pharmacological interventions and family support; strategies which are supported ...
Objectives For many people with advanced kidney disease, their physical, psychological and emotional needs remain unmet. Kidney supportive care, fully integrating specialist kidney and palliative care ...
Objective UK campaigners for a law permitting assisted dying (AD) restricted to those with a maximum life expectancy of 6 months claim that this would largely remove the need for UK residents to seek ...
Objectives Multidisciplinary team meetings are a regular feature in the provision of palliative care, involving a range of professionals. Yet, their purpose and best format are not necessarily well ...
Background End-of-life care among surgical patients is largely understudied and far fewer studies examine such care from the family perspective. To identify potential opportunities for improvement, we ...
If you wish to reuse any or all of this article please use the link below which will take you to the Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink service. You will be ...
Background As agency and capacity decline towards the end of life, compassion becomes an increasingly important and apposite feature of healthcare. Whilst more compassionate healthcare is being called ...
Background Today, euthanasia has become the option for terminally ill persons, in order to die with dignity. Palliative care on the other hand seeks to re-assure people with terminal or chronic ...
Correspondence to Dr David See, Department of Palliative Care, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Parkville, VIC 3095, Australia; davidsee1993{at}gmail.com Background There is increasing recognition that ...