© AKIpress News Agency - 2001-2024. Republication of any material is prohibited without a written agreement with AKIpress ...
The construction of a cell at the 500 kV Datka substation has been completed as part of the CASA-1000 project, the Ministry ...
The project implementation plan for 2024 includes 39 projects with an investment amount of over $500 million, according to ...
Today, Kyrgyzstan takes 80th place out of 159 countries in the fixed broadband internet speed world ranking with a rate of 67 ...
AKIPRESS.COM - A kindergarten for 200 children was opened in Ak-Orge village of Kadamjay district in Batken region. Last year ...
Kyrgyzstan has increased export of financial services 6 times in 2023, according to the National Statistical Committee ...
Deputy Foreign Minister Aibek Moldogaziev met with the delegation of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs led by Director ...
AKIPRESS.COM - The open credit portfolio of commercial banks amounted to 281.143 billion soms as of July 1, 2024, having ...
The 13th meeting of the Ministers of Trade and Economy of the Organization of Turkic States and the 15th meeting of the ...
Some 20 public-private partnership deals were signed in 2024 with attraction of around $300 million investment ...
The First Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Adylbek Kasymaliyev adopted a resolution dated October 11, 2024 No ...
Republication of any material is prohibited without a written agreement with AKIpress News Agency. Any citation must be ...