Spring is just around the corner, and you probably have a target in sight, whether it’s achieving a time trial PB, completing ...
Burn-Jeng Lin, the former VP of R&D at TSMC, is leading a team at a university in Taiwan focused on advancing subnanometer ...
The proprietary design of Brimrose AOTF HSI offers high spectral resolution as low as 1nm in the VIS region and high spatial resolution. Support control electronics allows end user's camera to capture ...
Researchers have combined theory and experiments to show that nuclear polarization does not limit studies of muonic atoms, clearing the way for new nuclear physics experiments.
Physicists have measured a nuclear reaction that can occur in neutron star collisions, providing direct experimental data for a process that had previously only been theorised. The study provides new ...
Researchers from Northwestern University have stumbled upon a previously unobserved function of a protein found in the cell ...
Light and electron microscopy each have their distinct limitations – with light it becomes increasingly difficult to resolve ...
The 18-carat gold toilet, titled America, weighed approximately 98kg and had been insured for the price of $6m (£4.75 m), the prosecution told Oxford Crown Court. The gold in itself was believed ...
“So, it makes me more uncomfortable on stage, and I just have a hard time, and I just want to think about maybe calling it quits before I’m unable to do the job like I want to ...