Boone County Senior Services, Inc. offers a variety of activities each month. Most are held at the BCSSI building at 515 CrownPointe Drive, Lebanon, unless otherwise noted.
General principles are formulated for the objective reconstruction of a three dimensional object from a set of electron microscope images. These principles are applied to the calculation of a ...
A lidar scanner has a resolution so high it can image ridges and indentations only 1 millimetre deep on objects hundreds of ...
Experts just found a 3D map that was carved into quartz sandstone likely 13,000 years ago. Located within the famed Segognole ...
Quantum spin liquids (QSLs) are fascinating and mysterious states of matter that have intrigued scientists for decades. First ...
Researchers explore how foundation models, originally developed for 2D vision and language tasks, are revolutionizing 3D ...
I have been interested, therefore, in reading about how scientists are working out how to manipulate equipment to give them a better picture of the 3-dimensional world we live in, sometimes enabling ...
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