Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan recently attended a wedding with her near and dear ones including husband Abhishek Bachchan and daughter Aaradhya. A pic from the ceremony went viral where ...
Aishwarya Rai strives to keep life normal for her daughter Aaradhya despite constant media attention. She uses humor and reassurances to help Aaradhya cope with paparazzi encounters, acknowledging ...
Abhishek Bachchan doesn't think his parents are the best teachers. He also doesn't want to adopt the parenting strategy that ...
In an old video, Aishwarya Rai, Abhishek Bachchan, and Aaradhya Bachchan were seen leaving for a family vacation where the ...
Credit: Instagram/@aishwaryaraibachchan_arb Aishwarya shared touching photos ... and Aaradhya in a shimmery party dress. Credit: Instagram/@aishwaryaraibachchan_arb However, Abhishek Bachchan ...
During a recent conversation, Abhishek Bachchan called his parents, Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan equivalent to God. He ...
The actor’s deep respect and admiration for his parents are well-known. Amitabh and Jaya Bachchan have often expressed pride ...
Abhishek Bachchan discusses the differences between his generation and his daughter Aaradhya's, noting that modern kids seek reasons behind decisions and rely on technology for answers rather than ...
In a recent interview with CNBC News 18, Abhishek Bachchan candidly discussed his approach to parenting and his relationship ...