Qi was able to show that another chemical messenger called acetylcholine can trigger dopamine release in the bird’s brain ...
An adult female can lay two to four eggs, and the incubation period is 16 to 20 days. Due to a shorter incubation than most ...
Anyone involved with poultry production – from small backyard coops to large commercial producers – should review their biosecurity plans and activities to ensure the health of their birds. If you ...
International Bird Rescue has responded to over 250 oil spills and other wildlife emergencies since 1971, caring for more than 160,000 birds worldwide.
The Ruth Melichar Bird Center is a non-profit that rehabilitates birds and gets them back into the wild with a release rate around 75 percent.
In zebra finches, only the males sing; young birds learn their courtship song early in life by first listening closely to their dad and memorizing his song. Then, like babies learning to talk ...