Sure, there’s much to love about the sun, the slathering on of sunscreen, slurping down the suds, the people-watching ... I prefer sitting in the outfield berm areas or anywhere close along ...
Ranking the best Cactus league ballparks in order based on hits, whiffs and favorite spring training memories.
That’s understandable, and there’s a ton of those types of folks who make the pilgrimage every year for a week or two or more to bathe in the sunshine and suds ... the idea of berm seating ...
All Cactus League venues present challenges. For Salt River Fields, map your parking. Some spots can pose a big hurdle in navigating with children.
In a town newsletter released Wednesday, Mayor Henry discussed one immediate action item that included placing a berm on the creekside near the Pawleys Island Chapel on Myrtle Avenue, which ...