Archaeologists have recently uncovered significant findings in Zanoah, a location mentioned in the Old Testament, shedding light on the ancient Bible story of Moses leading the Israelites to the ...
This episode delves into the archaeological discoveries related to the Exodus, the biblical account of the Israelites’ departure from Egypt. New findings aim to unravel the historical basis of ...
For cloak-and-dagger drama, the Dead Sea Scrolls trump all other biblical discoveries. According to one version of the story, the Bedouin goat herders sold the seven parchments they’d found to ...
NOVA's documentary "The Bible's Buried Secrets" draws on recent archeological findings and comprehensive biblical scholarship to paint a vivid picture of the origins of the ancient Israelites ...
I thought this was somewhat interesting, so I figured I’d share it… By David Cay Johnston / New York Times At a time when some voters are asking how the religious views of candidates ...