As hospitals close their birthing units, independent midwives are reluctant to provide care in areas without a safety net.
Adjusted for inflation, total spending on respiratory pathogen testing increased from $20.6 million in 2016 to $111 million in 2022. The average-adjusted cost per encounter for respiratory testing ...
As Colorado’s birth rate continues a 20-year decline, maternity care services have become less financially sustainable, ...
Among “common expenses for baby’s first year,” based on the center’s list: Child care, $10,107 for nine months at average ...
Pasco Representative Stephanie Barnard continues to push a bill designed to reduce regulatory burdens on birthing centers ...
While most mothers may prefer to give birth at a hospital, 809 babies were brought into the world at the ABC, which has been ...
As hospitals close their birthing units, independent midwives are reluctant to provide care in areas without a safety net.