Biodiversity is declining across the planet, but what about in Wisconsin, how do we measure it, and how can we stop it?
Back in 2005, Nike dropped a series of five Air Force 1 colorways centered around a LeBron campaign that drew inspiration ...
Seeing more destinations while unpacking only once and eating like a king are among the draws on cruise ships.
In this week's Zoo Buddy segment, we're meeting some of the box turtles at the Louisiana Purchase Gardens and Zoo.
Five Asian box turtles were released into the river in Barangay Santa Margarita, Baggao, Cagayan. This was part of efforts to protect the species and maintain ecological balance. Authorities said the ...
In a new study, biology researchers from the College of Sciences’ UCF Marine Turtle Research Group studied the dispersal ...
Young sea turtles actively swim and choose their paths instead of drifting. New satellite tracking reveals their movements.
For decades, scientists have wondered about what happens during the so-called lost years between when tiny hatchlings leave ...
WASHINGTON — Using satellite trackers, scientists have discovered the whereabouts of young sea turtles during a key part of their lives. “We’ve had massive data gaps about the early baby to ...