Large wildfires in the desert were once rare. Now experts worry that invasive plants and a changing fire cycle are putting ...
A third of American homes, or about 48 million properties, are at risk of wildfires. Here's how to protect yours.
The N.C. Forest Service is warning North Carolinians to be prepared for wildfires and take the necessary steps to help ...
Before the wildfire that destroyed thousands of homes, Altadena was already debating a tense question: should new housing be ...
As the first anniversary of the largest wildfire in Texas approaches, the City of Fritch and the Texas A&M Forest Service are ...
When the Middleton, MA, Fire Department (MFD ... firefighters who run calls in everything from high-rise to wildland urban interface, to confined spaces and high angles, we understand the critical ...
The Los Angeles Fire Department has less than one firefighter for every 1,000 residents, with a staffing rate of 0.90, a Bay ...
With increasingly hot weather and topographical features that resemble those in parts of Southern California, the booming ...
Around the world, other communities are experimenting with ideas that Los Angeles could borrow as it rebuilds from disastrous ...
Extreme weather conditions will be more common, according to the study, adding fresh urgency to a burgeoning group of climate ...