The Centre Police Department has announced a strict enforcement policy in response to numerous complaints about drivers ...
Whether or not place stops signs at some intersections in Broken Bow was the topic of most of the discussion at this ...
A white Chevy pickup truck crashed into a family of seven in one van, according to officials. Trump tends to prefer barking ...
If you don't stop driving when you see a school bus with its arm extended, you'll face a $250 fine in Fairfax County soon.
New videos recorded on Hillsborough County Schools buses show several drivers failing to obey school bus stop signs.
Virginia Beach City Public Schools rolled out AI stop-arm cameras Monday to help catch drivers illegally passing school buses ...
This week, conversations surrounding school safety have shifted from school zone cameras to innovative technology being implemented on beach school buses aimed at protecting students.
The Greece Central School District school bus fleet is getting a refresh next year. The Greece school board unanimously approved spending $5.6 million to replace 35 diesel and gas ...
King County Metro knows riders waiting at a stop for a scheduled bus that never arrives is a problem. Now it is going to have to keep track of and report “unplanned trip ...
By Jennifer Wimmer Carl Newhard, of Lewisport, appeared before the Grand Jury on February 28th, and has been indicted. He had ...
Deputy Mayor Phil Banks rolled into a high-paying job with BusPatrol after helping the firm get its cameras on board NYC ...