These are all places where you might find a house mouse – or ... why scientists adopted mice early on as a model system is ...
Most of the mice held at the Max Planck Institutes come from the Institutes’ own breeding programmes ... which takes their natural basic needs into account as far as possible. Like house mice, the ...
LAF can help you identify husbandry needs before establishing your breeding colony. This lets us develop a colony-specific standard operating procedure (SOP) if necessary. We also can help if ...
Compared with wild-derived strains, most of today's classical lab strains have limited genetic diversity and overwhelmingly originate from a single species of domestic mouse, the researchers report.
I know that deer mice are the primary carriers. Can you tell me if this is a deer mouse? This looks like a common house mouse. It isn’t a deer mouse. Deer mice have white underbellies ...
What is a mouse? Ask any small child ... of Mickey Mouse (Updike, 1991). House mice can express a high level of interesting activity in a small amount of space when presented with various playthings.
They are paying a private lab to breed mice that carry bits of their own tumors so treatments can be tried first on the customized rodents. The idea is to see which drugs might work best on a ...