Pe 24 martie s-au născut: William Morris, Joseph Priestly, Steve McQueen, Dario Fo, Dimitrie Cuclin, Traian Coşovei, ...
Biblioteca „Gheorghe Șincai” din Oradea își reia de luni, 17 martie, programul normal de lucru, după ce activitățile ...
Saudy Palacios crossed the dangerous Darién Gap jungle, on the border between Panama and Colombia, with the dream of reaching the United States, having a job, a home, and educating her son. Now she ...
Migrants bound to Colombia wait onboard a boat in Miramar, Panama. Although Central American governments say they are trying to organize reverse migration, chaos reigns. The governments of Panama and ...
Clujul a devenit primul judet din Romania unde au fost emise primele buletine electronice, marcand debutul oficial al unui ...
Polițiștii și procurorii DIICOT fac marți 95 de percheziții în mai multe județe din țară la membrii unei rețele care ofereau contra cost permise de conducere și cărți de identitate false. Potrivit ...
You’d be forgiven for thinking this day would never come. Playboi Carti’s new album, simply titled Music, is finally here. With a whopping 30 tracks, it’s proven to be a bountiful feast for ...
Playboi Carti has been playing hard-to-get for years. He’s been teasing a new album without releasing it. He’s been putting new tracks up on YouTube or Instagram but not the streaming services.
After five long years that felt more like 50, fans finally have their hands on Playboi Carti’s fourth album, I AM MUSIC. The 30-track record clocks in at over an hour and features guest verses ...
Nearly four-and-a-half years after his third album Whole Lotta Red, Playboi Carti has released his long-awaited new project MUSIC. The album spans 30 tracks and includes features from Kendrick ...