Energy Secretary Ed Miliband last week announced that all privately rented properties must have an EPC rating of C by 2030.
Landlords will have until 2030 to make improvements on their rental properties to upgrade them to EPC band C or higher ...
Labour has been accused of 'burdening' hard-pressed Britons with a 'misguided' extra cost after unveiling controversial ...
The UK government has announced a new set of energy efficiency standards for UK landlords and private rental properties, ...
Landlords to be forced to make homes warmer saving renters hundreds - Private landlords will have to meet the Energy ...
The government has announced all private rental properties will need an EPC rating of at least C by the end of the decade, ...
cavity wall insulation and double glazing. They will also then have further options such as solar panels, batteries and smart meters, or low carbon heating such as heat pumps. The Government is ...
HONG KONG—Chinese authorities told state-owned insurance companies and mutual funds to invest more in stocks, but the lackluster market reaction suggested investors were no longer responding ...
Heat pumps also saw increased market share last year, though industry executives said they expected any major lift from Biden’s signature 2022 climate legislation to take shape in 2025.