In molecular shuttles, a ring molecule is threaded onto a linear molecular strand and can move between two portions of the ...
Mason Hipp isn’t content to go through the motions during his college years. The sophomore chemistry major chose Kennesaw ...
Research to make a wide range of products made from polymers recyclable or reusable will benefit from the Cottrell Scholar ...
The National Natural Science Foundation of China initiated a major research program to study formation and response mechanism ...
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Uncovering the science behind everyday cooking, and how we can help our mothers understand the magic in the kitchen A mother is usually engaged in kitchen ch ...
Is there a way to obtain fresh water from seawater without employing conventional desalination techniques? A team led by Professor Sebastian Seiffert of the Department of Chemistry at JGU has ...
A new study has revealed the clearest-ever picture of the surface chemistry of worm species that provides groundbreaking ...
The Blackstone River Coalition needs volunteers to assist with its 22nd year of water quality monitoring of 17 sites in the Rhode Island section of the watershed.
A new study has revealed the clearest-ever picture of the surface chemistry of worm species that provides insights into how animals interact with their environment and each other. These discoveries ...