Local dancers in the Delaware Valley are keeping soul line dancing alive. The art form is more than just steps and rhythm.
The original purpose of the Library of Congress was to provide unbiased research to members of Congress. Each year, the ...
The Library of Congress preserved recordings from Marine Corp combat correspondents at Iwo Jima that included interviews with ...
The museum is temporarily closed due the sudden dismissal of federal workers, according to the JFK Library Foundation.
Begetter of the murals was the Library of Congress’ Poet-Director Archibald MacLeish, at whose gentle inquiry President Vargas of Brazil put up $4,000 to send Painter Portinari to Washington.
The Library of Congress has removed online access to a 2013 TAUNY interview that was used as ammunition by Republicans to ...
The program’s effort is to work with rural communities to explore using primary sources available through the Library’s ...
Florida Congressman Gus Bilirakis is inviting the bipartisan Concord Coalition to lead a budget exercise with hundreds of people in Pasco, Hernando, and Citrus Counties.
TOPEKA — The world’s largest library partnered with the Kansas State Department of Education to embark on a tour through four cities with demonstrations on local history and community events.