A largely Democratic Connecticut town council has sparked controversy after it refused to fly the “thin blue line” flag for a state trooper killed in the line of duty last week. The ...
A 4-2 vote by the Greenville City Council this week rejected an amendment to allow 3,200-square-foot flags to fly in ...
WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) - The Watertown city council will try again tonight (Monday) to figure out what flags may be flown from the poles in front of city hall. The most recent request is fly a ...
Mar. 3—WATERTOWN — Both the Pride flag and another one to celebrate St. Patrick's Day will be flying at City Hall. By a 3-2 vote on Monday night, the City Council voted to honor separate ...
An Ontario township has decided to remove all permanently affixed American flags from its buildings amid growing tensions with the United States. West Lincoln council voted unanimously Monday ...
A 4-2 vote by the Greenville City Council tonight denied an amendment to allow 3,200-square-foot flags to fly in Greenville’s ...