The show, dubbed ‘Paul American,’ will stream exclusively on Max. The Paul brothers are parlaying their considerable internet ...
Jan. 31 (UPI) -- Viral social media superstars and entrepreneurs Jake and Logan Paul have signed on to star in the Max reality show, Paul American. The eight-episode show is to premiere March 27.
Making this their first reality TV show– ‘Paul American’ offers ‘unfiltered truth’ behind the scenes about the story of the ...
In the trailer for Paul American, the brothers aren’t hiding the controversy that follows them. “I’m uncancellable,” Jake ...
No, Jake and Logan Paul are not facing off in the ring. They're starring in Paul American, a new reality show for Max, set to ...
After teasing a possible bout with a new poster, the influencer brothers revealed the real project, 'Paul American,' slated ...
The Paul brothers’ hype poster turned out to be a promotion for a new reality show rather than a boxing fight.