A new bill proposed in the Idaho Senate aims to require all Idaho students to be proficient at reading and writing in cursive by the end of 5th grade.
With all the divisions in this country, it’s amazing that the ability to round out your letters has become controversial, writes Laurel Vermilyea Cortes.
I preach to my kids to expand their horizons and do things outside of their comfort zones, yet I have been happy behind a computer keyboard tapping out my thoughts and telling others’ stories for ...
For years, Missouri lawmakers have tried to make teaching cursive a requirement, but concerns regarding technology and ...
My nephew, Jace, is in preschool. He is learning to print his name. He printed his name for me recently – “J-c-e” on one line and “a” on the next line. He printed the “a” on its own line, ...
On Thursday, the State Assembly's Education Committee heard public comment on bills relating to curriculum, assessment programs and school board spending.
where he learned enough cursive in the public school system to write his name. American public schools were deeply influenced in 2011 when the U.S. Department of Education’s Common Core State ...
CINCINNATI (Cincinnati Business Courier) - In Cursive’s conference room in Deerfield Township, an array of liquor bottles line a small table set up against a back wall. The names represent an ...
If you can read cursive, the National Archives would like a word. Or a few million. More than 200 years worth of U.S. documents need transcribing (or at least classifying) and the vast majority ...
If you can read this cursive writing, the National Archives wants you ... He actually gives his Native American name. It’s almost like he lived a second life. SIMON: When Isaacs and Sullivan first ...