Bacteriophages, the most abundant life form on Earth, infect bacterial cells and influence the structure of the microbial ...
Thus, viral ATP-dependent DNA ligases have an intrinsic nick-sensing function. Nick recognition by vaccinia DNA ligase and Chlorella virus DNA ligase also depends on occupancy of the AMP binding ...
This article was originally published with the title “ The Recognition of DNA in Bacteria ” in Scientific American Magazine Vol. 222 No. 1 (January 1970), p. 88 doi:10.1038 ...
In criminal cases involving unidentified remains, recognition can be the last chance ... forensic sculpture and DNA phenotyping. Forensic sculpture uses skull remains and population samples ...
Bacteria protect their DNA by modifying their own recognition sequences, usually by adding methyl (CH 3) molecules to nucleotides in the recognition sequences and then relying on the restriction ...
Sunburns and aging skin are obvious effects of exposure to harmful UV rays, tobacco smoke and other carcinogens. But the effects aren't just skin deep. Inside the body, DNA is literally being torn ...
Scientists used the restriction enzymes to, among other things, cut DNA at particular locations and insert new genes at the cutting sites. However, it is difficult to determine in advance exactly ...
In simple type II R-M systems, methylase and restrictase are two separate proteins, whereas in BREX, both the methylation of its own DNA and the recognition and restriction of unmethylated viral ...
He predicted that the restriction enzyme and the modification enzyme act on the same DNA sequence, called a recognition sequence. In this way, the bacterial cell's own self-defense mechanism ...