"Poet, who guidest me, Regard my manhood, if it be sufficient. Ere to the arduous pass thou dost confide me." As a companion to our feature we are providing a link to the ILTweb Digital Dante ...
McCrae’s work obsessively retreads paths through Heaven, history, and eternal torment. What can we learn from his relentless ...
This is the face of Hell. Well, kind of of. Scientists have rebuilt a depiction of what Dante Alighieri, the Italian 13th-century poet who created our vision of the afterlife, looks like.
Who knew then that his vernacular poetry and his radical vision would prove so revolutionary for modern Italian literature? The film opens with Dante’s early life and the indispensable backstory ...
The American modernist Marianne Moore once wrote that poems are imaginary gardens with real toads in them. This applies nicely to Dante’s “Divine Comedy.” Its garden is the poem’s ...
I’m reading Erich Auerbach’s well-known book Dante: Poet Of The Secular World. It’s a small book, and a dense one, but it is deeply rewarding preparation for the book I’ve started writing.